ow! Finally got around to making my own website! So people have always asked me why I do not have my own site especially when I create and design sites for many artists in my field. The short answer? With my career goals in the music industry I never felt a "need" to create my own site since my path has always been towards "Orchestral" route. Though I am blessed to do a lot of chamber and solo gigs I never felt it was necessary to spend the time to design a website of my own because I was not engaged in the "hustle" that is so required in our industry. Thus I felt no one would have the need to visit a Henry Wang website.
My Web Design journey
For me the journey of "web design" coincides with my journey in the interest and hobby of "coding". When I was in middle school, I still remember buying my first HTML/Perl/JavaScript/PHP books pounding out script-kiddy effects with my basic grid layouts to make rudimentary websites (CSS didn't seem that important back then so I had to really refine that artform the last 5 years). Eventually I got pretty good at it and was webmastering some big gaming affiliate websites by high school.

Why I started designing websites again
In college I kind of took a hiatus from any kind of "coding" including web design. I was too focused on first getting a Bio degree and then eventually trying to make it as a violinist in New York when I came to school here for masters. The only thing computer related I did really around then was buildling computer rigs and gaming.
But about 5 years ago my good friend Siwoo Kim expressed interest in his first website. I still remember looking around with him at the websites created in the classical music industry and seeing functional but... pardon my judgement... pretty ugly websites. I knew I always had an eye for design so I decided to take on some projects for some musicians I wanted to collaborate with to create another outlet for their voice.
So anyways, luckily the feedback has been great even garnishing me praise from certain institutions and publications. After COVID hit I decided one day in the shower #showerthoughts if I had some free time I would create a website for myself in a design that I wanted so I could have a place for the voices I have in my different interests. No it would not be the traditional musician website but more of a hybrid of a blog and perhaps a portfolio of my work in music, web-design and coding (though I'll probably just link my GitHub if I ever get around to building my portfolio there lmao).
Anyways if you are reading this, stay a while and hope you enjoy my new site :)